Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's drowning to a close!

Forgive us for that obvious, and lame pun. The temptation just was too high to resist...

The hunt for our new guitarist is drawing to a close. Oh yes. Last rehearsal, we had Jon over and we enjoyed working with him that much we invited him over again. So yesterday, he paid us another visit. And it was yet another productive evening.

Additions to our full and ready repertoire include various own material (songtitles include 'Plataea', 'Journey from the Underworld' and 'Backwards on a Bicycle'), and a cover from Megadeth...all in all, along with the songs from the demo, it all adds up to just over an hour of playing time. Oh yeah!

Some recording was done for future reference, and some pictures were shot as well. Thanks go out to Chris Harteveld, for helping us out with both.

Greg and Jon - did someone stand on Greg's toes or something?

Quint busy behind the kit. Psychedelic!

Greg and Jon once again.

And last but not least the great, mystical fire orb that is Arnaud. Approach with caution!


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